Speaker 講者

Dr. Dicky CHOY


Physician (The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control)


Dr Choy graduated from The Medical School of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1997. He joined The Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control in 2001. He was Co-Investigator of numerous Phase III clinical trials in the field of osteoporosis. He is currently the Physician in charge of the Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention Clinic in the Centre and he is also currently the Vice-president of The Hong Kong Osteoporosis Foundation.



註診醫生 (香港中文大學賽馬會骨質疏鬆預防及治療中心)


       蔡醫生於1997年畢業於香港中文大學醫學院。他於2001年加入賽馬會骨質疏鬆預防及治療中心。他是多個骨質疏鬆症領域III期臨床研究的聯合研究者。 他目前是該中心骨質疏鬆症和預防跌倒診所的主理醫生,也是香港骨質疏鬆基金會的副會長。

Dr. Freddy LAM

PhD (PolyU), BSc Physio. Th. (PolyU)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Registered Physiotherapist (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Dr. Freddy Lam is currently a postdoctoral fellow working in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has worked as a physiotherapist in the Hospital Authority and in residential care centers. His clinical experience has driven his passion on helping older people to maintain and regain independence in daily living.

After obtaining his PhD in 2016, he has involved in designing and conducting service and research programs for community-dwelling older people. The program has assessed over 2000 elderlies in the past three years, primarily evaluating their fall risk, physical performance, and bone condition. He has also provided fall-prevention exercise training to over 400 elderlies and delivered public education to older people and healthcare workers through community services and educational talks. His works on fall prevention are frequently covered in media including newspapers, magazines, radio interviews and television programs.

Freddy has authored close to twenty papers in peer-reviewed journals. His researches have received multiple prestigious awards. He is currently a council member of the Hong Kong Osteoporosis Foundation and an associated editor of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal. He also serves in the International Review Board of the Journal of Physiotherapy.


PhD (PolyU), BSc Physio. Th. (PolyU)






Ms. Lily LIN

MSc Counselling (CityU), BSc Occu. Th. (PolyU)

Registered Occupational Therapist (The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control)


Ms. Lily Lin is currently an Occupational Therapist I working in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining CUHK, she has served in the Hospital Authority for nearly 10 years with a wide range of clinical exposures from acute care to community care, including specialties of neurosurgery, orthopedics, cognitive impairment, community geriatrics and primary health care. Her clinical experience has driven her passion on helping elder people to maintain and regain their independency in daily living.

She is currently involved in a fall and fracture prevention program for the community-dwelling elder people with a focus on tailoring intervention in the home environment and delivering the Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE)program. She has been provided home visits to over 250 elder people, delivered public education to elder people and health care workers through community services and educational talks. Her works on fall prevention are frequently covered in media including newspapers and television programs.

Lily was also a member of cognitive training material development working group and LiFE task force of Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association. She was one of the translator for the Chinese version of LiFE trainer’s manual.


PhD (PolyU), BSc Physio. Th. (PolyU)

註冊職業治療師 (香港中文大學賽馬會骨質疏鬆預防及治療中心)



